This section is where you can find the latest about what’s going on at Catch.

New Article: Don’t Let This Crisis Ruin Your Relationship Goals

Coronavirus infections are on the rise again. Although we are often told that “we are all in this together”, the reality is that each one of us is experiencing this […]
Where The Blues Was Born

Our music selection this week is a scene from the 1947 movie “New Orleans”. Watch as the unforgettable Luis Armstrong introduces members of his band in the movie’s fictional night […]
New Article: Six Post-Pandemic Dating Ideas

Whether you are single or in a relationship, you have probably been longing to go out again.
Catchy Tunes

Dating and music go hand in hand. We have been working on a series of videos featuring music we love. Several of us at Catch are massive fans of Big Band […]
How Should Singles And Couples Date After COVID?

Going on dates in the post-pandemic environment will be complicated. But professional matchmaker Katie Chen has some new tips. Read her latest article!
New Journal Entry: Memorial Day And Love Lost

This Memorial Day, let’s also consider those whose hopes for love and happiness were crushed and destroyed when war took the love of their life.
We present a few snippets of heart-wrenching wartime correspondence between lovers, bearing testimony of the sacrifices made.
We’re Giving Away Free Face Masks (Made By Grandma)! Watch Our Latest Video!

This grandma isn’t going to take it anymore! She’s sewing really cool face masks – FREE OF CHARGE – for you! Watch this for the whole story, and pick out your free mask!
New Video: COVID-19 – How Are We All Doing?

It’s Shutdown Week No. 8 for all “nonessential” businesses in Los Angeles, so we wanted to check in with you. How are you all coping?
New Journal Entry

Are you facing relationship troubles at home? The ongoing stay-at-home orders haven’t just brought us new recipes for breads, cakes and cookies. They also brought us a recipe for depression, […]
Introducing: The Catch Journal

Since 2009, our team has learned a whole lot about all aspects of finding the right partner, dating, and relationships. We’ve listened to thousands of stories and seen just about […]
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