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Matchmaking for Men

Men are our specialtyIf you are like most of our male clients, you’ve spent most of your time on your career or suddenly find yourself starting over with love. You probably didn’t think seriously about finding someone until now. Despite your current success in life, finding love can be tricky and seem elusive. So you want to see if enlisting our help to find someone special would make sense. There isn’t a one size fits all type of search. We want to learn about your life, dating needs, and wants. Then determine together a search term that it will serve you.

Old Art Meets New Tech

Catch values old core values such as integrity, hard work, commitment, loyalty, sincerity, family, and cultural traditions. Most people don’t realize it, but matchmaking is a very old trade with thousands of years of history. Paradoxically, “dating” is a relatively new phenomenon by comparison. The “dating ritual” is based the idea that people would simply “find each other” on their own initiative, or by good luck and chance, rather than through introductions. In reality, this doesn’t work so well. In most industrialized countries, the divorce rates are so high that about half of all “self-matched” marriages fail.

Dating apps and online profiles have streamlined this process, capitalizing on the sweet illusion that everything about finding the right partner is easy and constantly at our fingertips. But all this has also made people feel more disposable, their value reduced to a swipe or a checkbox on a screen.

Of course, our agency is heavily invested in information technology as well, but we don’t use it quite the same way as hopeful lay persons out to find a self-administered date.

Unlike online profiles, we do not go by people’s own self-assessments. (This is one of the biggest flaws of online dating, where people get to create an idealized image of themselves that may be far removed from the reality).

We do something the lay person can’t do: we’ve already met many thousands of women. We’ve verified their pictures, we’ve talked to them, we’ve met them in person, we’ve video conferenced with them, we’ve discuss their expectations and obtained a feel for their personality. We’ve taken the time to learn about her hobbies, her family background, her passions and her education. Only after that will we consider introducing her to one of our clients, and only if our experience tells us that there’s a good chance of two people liking each other.

No Blind Dates

Attraction is very subjective, but the women in our selective and hand picked community are attractive inside and out, so there is nothing to hide. You will see a profile and verified photos of each lady we suggest to you. We will also give you our take on her so you know about her emotional readiness and how to impress her on a date.

Proven Success

Over 70% of our clients have found success over the past ten years through our, pragmatic no-nonsense approach to dating. Our secret sauce is not an impersonal computer algorithm, but many of years of personal experience and professional expertise. Many of our clients don’t need help meeting women, but recognize that experts can provide a shortcut to the right woman. Some clients haven’t dated in a while and find that the dating landscape is overwhelming.  Regardless, every client appreciates knowing there is a proven system, clear expectations and experienced matchmakers who work hard in their best interest and get joy from changing lives. We will give you the guidance and support from being an insider in the dating world. You will benefit from honest feedback and personalized information about each woman you meet or how you can improve your odds on the next one.

Power of Suggestion

There are no shortage of what seems like a good match on first glance, only a shortage on your time or only a slim margin to get a special woman’s attention in a big, busy city. Our value as matchmakers is to advocate for you and to get you in front of the right women. While some of our clients are a bit rusty with the current dating scene, some could use a few extra tips. Either way, your type of women feel more comfortable meeting you when they know that we know and like you on a personal level. It will differentiate you from any other available guy, because through our personal recommendation, she will know you are worth the special attention.


I’m a single man and interested in what you offer. How can I become a client of your agency?
Contact us and fill out a profile so we can learn more about you and the type of woman you’re looking to meet.  We will schedule to meet you in person or via video conference to get to know you, your personal circumstances, your dating goals, and your expectations. We’ll discuss what our agency can do for you, and what the chances of success are.
Do you represent everyone?
No. Before we agree to take on a client, we need to be convinced that we can be successful. Like a trial law firm, we aim to pick cases in which we know we can help and produce a win for our client. This may sound selective, but when you think about it, it is good for everyone: we don’t want to waste your time and money. To that end, we are very honest with potential clients. We’ll use our experience to assess the odds of success, which to a high degree are determined by the client’s own expectations. If we feel we can’t meet them, we’ll discuss it openly. We understand: everyone wants to meet that one “perfect” woman, and people often come to us with a shopping list of qualities. But what if a super-woman with all those qualities doesn’t exist? Sometimes men come to us unsure about what their chances are. Perhaps they were in long term relationships and have not dated in years or even decades. They may be very uncertain about what their odds really are. In those cases, we can guide and explain. We even offer “date counseling”. But we also understand we could not possibly be the right fit for everyone, nor will everyone be the right fit for us. If we feel another agency could be more successful, we’ll be happy to refer you to someone we trust.
What qualities do you look for in your new male clients?
The men we have the most success representing are between the ages of 30 and 65, successful, relationship-minded, outgoing, sociable, confident, intelligent, healthy, in good physical shape, flexible, fun loving and willing to travel. Our ideal client knows who he is and what he is looking for.
What type of women are in your community?
All women in our network are pre-screened. This means we first collect information about them, and then spend about 30 minutes to interview them in person or via video call. We are looking for qualities desired by our body of clients.
Why don’t you charge women matchmaking fees?
Our agency specializes in representing male clients. Only on occasion do we take on female clients at this time.
How many introductions can clients expect?
That depends on many circumstances. But as a ballpark figure, whenever we agree to represent a client, we think we have already pre-qualified at least 10 to 15 ladies who will want to meet him.